
Sunday, April 3, 2016

The role of ideology

Ideology is the conviction framework delivered by social molding. The way of life produces belief systems in the psyche of individuals. There are diverse sorts of belief systems. Few of the well-known ideologies  are capitalism, socialism, Marxism, patriotism ,religion, humanism, sexism ,American dream, independence, consumerism, and so on every one of these ideologies are the conviction frameworks since every one of them have specific standards. As per Marxism we can partition every one of them into two classes

•             Repressive ideologies and

•             Non Repressive ideologies 

A large portion of the belief systems are severe in light of the fact that they subdue the general population. Capitalism quell the general population who don't have capital. Patriotism stifle the general population who are not devoted or who originate from outside. It subdues the nonnatives. Religion is severely harsh in light of the fact that it affronts the other religion. Similarly, every one of the belief systems are harsh with the exception of Marxism. Marxist say the Marxism is simply non harsh belief system since it doesn't quell the general population. Be that as it may, it tries the elevate the lower class individuals. Indeed, even the higher class individuals are not quelled. They are simply make equivalent to others. The various ideologies see their rival with the mediocre eyes yet Marxism does not see anyone by that discriminative eye. Thusly, Marxism is non-harsh belief system for them.

We can take some more illustrations of belief systems to see how they are harsh. How about we take the case of American dream. All the American puts stock in American dream. They trust that they ought to possess better house and better living. They need to have better life other individuals. This thought is essentially discriminative and severe on the grounds that the others are purposefully commanded. This belief system is not an inherent or common to see the world. Every one of the belief systems are man-made. The achievement of American dream is to have a well off way of life for the few individuals yet they couldn't care less that it gives wretchedness for some individuals. Thusly, the American dream is the oppressive ideologies.

Correspondingly, patriotism and religion are additionally harsh. Patriotism stifles remote specialists and religion curb for the sake of god. It tries to keep needy individuals fulfilled in destitution since it lets them know that paradise is secured for them. Consumerism is oppressive ideology since it say those individuals are great who can expend better merchandise. It curbs the other who can't purchase better products.

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