
Friday, April 15, 2016

Heroes, Villains and Martin's Characters

Always in almost all movies we got characters that were either good or bad. Aside from game of thrones I didn’t meet any characters in any movies that couldn’t specifically described as either good or bad towards end. But Martin’s character doesn’t enjoy the privilege of being crystal clear. Many good characters in the books have taken questionable decisions. And many ‘evil’ characters have shown some kind of virtues, this or that.
Ned, the hero of many fans actually cut off an innocent man’s head in the very first season. Did the deserter from the Night’s watch deserve the fate he got? He was scared beyond his life with the things he saw in the wild. Any honorable man, if he is not brave enough, would have done the same thing. And the lack of courage is no crime for such fatal punishment in the world I leave. You can say that Ned was just following law right? Couldn’t he have changed the law that was so unjust? He was the Lord of Winterfell after all, and a close friend of the king Robert Baratheon. He had the right, and more so a responsibility to change any laws that were unjust. But he didn’t do it. He was so engrossed with some virtues that he was almost blind to others.
Tywin Lannister in the other hand might seem some evil lord. But he is just protecting his family right? And in a world like that if he prefers to massacre a few thousand people than to let his own die, can anyone really blame him? Even Daenerys Targaryen the favorite character of many people is not out of this grey area. She introduced dragons to the world. Does anybody even comprehend what that mean? She is ready to put anything and anybody in risk so long has she gains what is rightfully hers. Yes she does have an ethical standard and she lives by it but the rigidity and intolerance in her nature doesn’t quit amount up to heroic.

The only characters as far I’ve seen, who doesn’t belong to this grey area that Martin has created are Jon Snow, Bran Stark and the others themselves. Bran Stark is still a child and possesses the innocence of a child so he may not have done any evil deeds yet. And the Others’ intentions we have yet to know. But the famous character Jon Snow is the only true hero that Martin has created in this book named ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’. So far he is the only character who possess all such virtues that a hero should possess. And now he is dead. Most likely it seems like he will return. But the question remains. Will this one character be the exception of all Martin’s characters? Will he remain the white wolf, different from the litter? Will he remain a hero till the end? Or will he come back with a change in character, a loss of virtues. Will he the last remaining hero come back again, but a villain this time?

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