
Saturday, May 7, 2016

Great Gatsby "Daisy internalize the patriarchal values".

Daisy has internalized many patriarchal values as her character is exposed in relation to her husband Tom and her lover Gatsby. Feminist reading of the novel explores the effect of patriarchal social system and the role of men and women in the novel. We know that the novel was written in 1920s when women had just got new freedom. They were not allowed to vote before 1920s. They were also oppressed by many other traditional social dogmas of the time. It was the time when they had to be careful for what they speak, what they do, or what they wear. They had limited freedom as they were dominated by male chauvinism. They were not allowed to smoke or drink. Though this novel refutes some of the patriarchal dogmas, it has still some traces of patriarchy. 

Feminism explores male domination and the effect of patriarchal ideology in the novel. The clearest example of male chauvinism is found on the conduct of Tom over Daisy. His domination over her can be viewed as chauvinism. Both Tom and Daisy are deeply influenced by patriarchal ideology. Daisy cannot refute him because she has internalized patriarchal values. Many critics believe that Tom is guided by manly power. His conscience does not regard women equitable to him. He also dominates Daisy as he wants her to be limited at home. He wants her take care of their daughter while he does not care her. He behaves as if Daisy is something in his use. He never regards her as equal partner in his affairs. He is deeply rooted by patriarchal ideology. We know that Tom buys her very expensive diamond necklace in her marriage and Daisy is easily led by it. Here, a critical feminist thinker can see the effect of patriarchy upon her thinking, her character and her conduct. We see how easily she is attracted by the jewels and the wealth of Tom! She is attracted by the jewels because she has internalized patriarchal values that women should wear expensive jewels to show their status. 

In the same way, we see that Daisy weeps so easily whenever she feels a bit troubled. She is not bold enough to cope with the challenges. Her dress-up is another clue to show her submission to patriarchal values. She believes that she should seem beautiful to attract men. She likes to be the nymph in her house to satisfy the needs of her husband. She can never go against the will of her husband. All these things show that she has become a victim of patriarchy from the unconscious level. 

A different look at the novel reveals that the author is also guided by patriarchal ideology. He is also a product of patriarchal ideology. Nick is the spokesperson of the author who describes the independent women as the ‘bad girls’. These evidences prove that the author is also deeply rooted by the ideology of male dominated society. 

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